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Past 3DEM meetings and workshops

7-9 January  CCP4 Study Weekend on Atomic Model Building  Nottingham University, UK
Sessions on topics such as refinement, validation and representation, with a focus on producing the best possible model from experimental data including X-ray, EM reconstruction, and electron diffraction.
Registration required

15-17 January  S2C2 Cryo-EM Modeling Workshop  Stanford-SLAC, Menlo Park, CA USA
Short format training workshop on Cryo-EM modeling, with lectures and practice sessions.
Registration required

19-30 January  EMBO Practical course CEM3DIP 2020: Single particle cryoEM of macromolecular-assemblies and cellular tomography  Kolkata, India
Major topics covered include Single particle cryoEM (Theory, hands-on specimen preparation, insight into data collection and hands-on image processing practicals).
Registration deadline September 15, 2019

15-19 February  64th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting  San Diego, CA USA
CryoEM Subgroup Saturday session, biophysics-themed symposia and workshops
Abstract deadline October 1, 2019

16-20 March  Understanding Biology Through Structure 2020  Santa Fe, NM USA
Forum promoting interactions between junior and senior researchers and highlighting recent results in cryo-EM and crystallography.
Registration deadline March 16 -- MEETING CANCELLED

18-21 March  4th International Conference on Cryo-3D Image Analysis   Lake Tahoe, CA USA
Technical discussions of state of the art image analysis approaches and algorithm developments to tackle challenging biological problems and to identify current limitations in the field.
Early registration deadline Jan 31 -- MEETING POSTPONED

23-25 March  S2C2 Cryo-EM Specimen Preparation and Data Collection Workshop  Stanford-SLAC, Menlo Park, CA USA
Short format training workshop with lectures and practice sessions.
Registration required -- MEETING CANCELLED

27 April - 1 May  CCP-EM Spring Symposium 2020  Online
Forum to highlight state of the art developments in computational cryoEM and related themes as well as showcasing outstanding recent applications.
Registration required -- VIRTUAL/ZOOM ONLY

7-11 June  3rd Annual Summer Workshop in Cryo-EM Image Processing  University of Michigan, USA
Hands-on workshop targeted to members of the cryo-EM community who are learning how to process data.
Applications required deadline March 31 -- MEETING CANCELLED

8-10 June  S2C2 Cryo-EM Image Processing Workshop  Stanford-SLAC, Menlo Park, CA USA
Short format training workshop with lectures and practice sessions.
Registration required -- VIRTUAL/ZOOM ONLY

21-26 June  GRC: Visualizing Biological Complexity Across Scales in 3DEM  Castelldefels, ES
The 2020 Gordon Research Conference on Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy will celebrate its 35th year of existence, by continuing the tradition of highlighting the best of cutting-edge research in 3DEM.
Application deadline May 24 -- RESCHEDULED FOR 2021

2-6 August  Microscopy & Microanalysis meeting (M&M 2020)  Milwaukee, WI USA
Multiple Sessions, tutorials, and symposia related to 3DEM
Registration deadline July 1 -- VIRTUAL ONLY

2-7 August  American Crystallographic Association 2020 Annual Meeting  San Diego CA USA
Workshops on Crystallographic and Cryo-EM Structure Solution with Phenix, Fundamentals of Single Particle CryoEM, and sessions sponsored by the ACA Cryo-EM Special Interest Group.
In-person Meeting Cancelled -- to be Replaced with Virtual Meeting

22-30 August  General Assembly and Congress of the International Union of Crystallography 25  Prague CZ
Sessions on validation of cryoEM structures and maps , and cryoEM for macromolecules from single particles to microcrystals.
Registration required -- POSTPONED TO 2021

30 August  Cryo-EM and its role in understanding translation  New York NY USA
A symposium honoring Joachim Frank on his 80th birthday.
Registration required, deadline is May 3 -- POSTPONED, TO BE RESCHEDULED

13-16 September  9th International Conference on Electron Tomography  Egmond aan Zee, NL
The conference will highlight the latest developments in the field of tomography.

18-20 November  Cryo-EM Validation in the Age of SARS-CoV-2: Methods, Tools and Applications  Virtual/Online
The meeting hosted by the UK Validation Network will present current thinking on cryo-EM map and map/model validation, and to consider future research directions. The community effort to apply cryo-EM to SARS-CoV-2 has been a success story but has also highlighted the importance of validation.
Free, Registration required

30 November-4 December  CASP14 Conference  Virtual/Online
The purpose of the conference is to analyze and discuss the outcome of the CASP14 community experiment. Targets from cryo-EM experiments will be included in presentations and discussions.
Registration required

7 December  Electron Microscopy-X International Symposium  Virtual/Online
Symposium featuring Dr. Richard Henderson (2017 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry) and Prof. Frances Ross from MIT.
Free, Registration required

7-11 January  6th Annual Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology Workshop: Single-Particle Cryo-EM  Piscataway, NJ USA
Immersive course focusing on single particle cryo-EM with presentations, lectures, and practical exercises.
Registration deadline Nov 16, 2018

28 January-1 February  Otago Cryo-EM course  Dunedin, New Zealand
Course covers single particle and tomography methods, intended for PhD students and researchers that are actively performing cryoEM or would like to start in order to bring their projects to the next level.
Application required

12-13 February  Cryo-TEM workshop  Texas A & M University
The workshop will comprise of lectures covering different aspects of Cryo EM, including sample preparation, imaging, computational image analysis, and CLEM.
Registration required

2-6 March  63rd Biophysical Society Annual Meeting  Baltimore, MD USA
CryoEM Subgroup Session, Role of Data Resources in Biophysics, Methods for X-ray Tomography and Electron Microscopy
Abstract deadline October 1, 2018

11-13 March  S2C2 Cryo-EM Imaging Process Workshop  Stanford-SLAC, Menlo Park, CA USA
Single particle cryoEM image processing workshop at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, aimed at beginners in cryoEM image analysis
Registration required

31 March-13 April  2nd Prato Workshop on Single-particle Cryo-EM and Tomography  Prato, Italy
In-depth training in image processing of electron micrographs in the areas of single-particle analysis and subtomographic averaging
Registration required

25-26 April  3rd Missouri Symposium in Molecular Biophysics  Columbia, MO
Focus on Structural Electron Microscopy, multiple cryo-EM experts invited to speak including Wah Chiu (keynote).
Registration required

29 April-1 May  5th Annual CCP-EM Spring Symposium  Nottingham University, UK
Forum highlighting state of the art developments in computational cryoEM and showcasing outstanding recent applications.

6-9 May  CryoEM/CryoET Data Processing Workshop  Galveston, TX USA
The workshop will cover EMAN2, SPHIRE, CHIMERA, COOT and PHENIX. The first day will cover CryoET and subtomogram averaging, followed by two days of single particle analysis, closing out with a day of visualization and model building.

13-17 May  Advanced Workshop on Cryo-Electron Tomography  Vienna, Austria
Workshop targets advanced audience with pre-existing knowledge in electron tomography, data processing and/or cryo-TEM. Weekend pre-course will be offered for less experienced participants (May 11-12).
Registration deadline January 31

21-23 May  ESRF workshop on sample preparation for Cryo-EM  EMBL Grenoble, France
Hands-on workshop aimed at PhDs, PostDocs and young scientists new to the field.
Application deadline March 10

21-24 May  Microscopical Society of Canada Annual Meeting  Vancouver, Canada
Goals are to bring together imaging researchers in Canada and abroad and to share exciting new research.
Abstract deadline March 30

31 May-8 June  54th course of the International School of Crystallography on the topic of 3D CryoEM image analysis  Erice, Italy (Sicily)
Inaugural School on 3D CryoEM image analysis at Erice, will cover current practices in image processing and analysis both for single particle analysis and tomography
Registration deadline November 30, 2018

8-9 June  New!: 3DEM Gordon Research Seminar  HongKong, CN
Novel Techniques and Breakthroughs in 3DEM of Biological Structures. Unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.
Application deadline May 11 (oral presenters deadline is March 8)

9-14 June  3DEM Gordon Research Conference  HongKong, CN
The 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy (3DEM) will continue its tradition of exchanging and discussing the recent technical breakthroughs and biological discoveries in the studies of biological structures.
Application deadline May 12, early application is strongly recommended

16-20 June  2nd summer workshop in cryo-EM data processing at the University of Michigan  Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Five-day cryo-electron microscopy workshop will introduce participants to common image processing software packages.
Registration deadline March 4

4-5 July  Macromolecules in Action Symposium  Grenoble, France
Meeting aims to illustrate how big biological questions can be resolved in structural biology through the application of interdisciplinary approaches.
Registration deadline 30 May, Abstract Submission deadline 30 April

8-11 July  Instruct EM Image processing and hybrid modelling course  Madrid, Spain
Course will show how to use Scipion for image processing of EM images and construction of hybrid models (EM+atomic maps).
Registration deadline 31 May

10-12 July  S2C2 Modeling Workshop  Stanford/SLAC, CA USA
Basic principles and practical protocols to obtain atomic models based on cryo-EM density maps at near atomic resolution.
Registration required

15-16 July  Crick EM Symposium: Focus on Correlative Imaging Across Scales  London, UK
Symposium exploring the impact of electron microscopy on biomedical research across scales, with a focus on correlative imaging.
Early Registration deadline 31 May

17-19 July  Crick Advanced CLEM Course  London, UK
Hands-on CLEM course will cover three correlative workflows - 3D CLEM, Integrated Light and EM, and cryo CLEM.
Application deadline 30 April

20-24 July  American Crystallographic Association 2019 Annual Meeting  Cincinnati/Northern KY USA
Single particle reconstruction workshop, phenix for cryo-EM workshop, data best practices symposium, sessions on cryo-EM at cutting edge, micro-electron diffraction, combining SAS with cryoEM/MX/NMR, radiation damage, meaning of resolution.
Abstract deadline extended to April 12

4-8 August  Microscopy & Microanalysis meeting (M&M 2019)  Portland, OR USA
Multiple Sessions, tutorials, and symposia related to 3DEM
Abstract submission deadline February 15

8-9 August  NYC Computational Cryo-EM Summer Workshop  NYC, NY USA
Workshop brings together applied mathematicians, software developers, and experimentalists from the field of cryo-EM to advance the state of data analysis and processing.
Registration required

12-30 August  PNCC Hands-On Workshop  Portland, OR USA
3-week workshop focused on hands-on training and practice with every step of the single-particle workflow, from sample vitrification, to microscope operation, to data collection and processing.
Application window 1-14 April

28-30 August  7th Basel Workshop on Tomography and Subtomogram Averaging with Dynamo  University of Basel, Switzerland
Hands-on training on all practical aspects of subtomogram averaging, encompassing all stages of the pipeline: tomogram visualization and archiving, particle picking in different geometries, averaging, refinement and classification.
Application deadline July 6

2-6 September  Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Cross-Scale Biological Structure  Suzhou, China
Oral and poster sessions covering the latest findings across many topics in Cross-Scale Biological Structure: From Macromolecular Complexes and Organelles to Cells and Tissues. Many talks will be selected from submitted abstracts.
Application deadline July 12

10-11 October  CryoNet Symposium: Postrevolution cryo-EM: Reaping the benefits while looking to the future  Stockholm, Sweden
Alongside presentations on important biological results will be methodological advances emphasizing that cryo-EM is still in a growth phase.
Registration required, abstract submission by students/postdocs is encouraged.

24 October  Second New York Area CryoEM Meeting  New York City, USA
The goal of this meeting is to foster a discussion of frontier problems in the fields of single particle cryoEM and cryo electron tomography (cryoET).
Application deadline 20 September

1 November  North Atlantic Microscopy Society 2nd Annual Meeting  Princeton, NJ USA
Topics discussed this year include Big Data/Mass Specrometry Imaging, Cryo Electron Microscopy, Super Resolution Light Microscopy.

3-9 November  EMBO Course: Practical Integrative Structural Biology  Hamburg, Germany
Participants will learn how information from different structural biology techniques (MX, EM, SAXS and NMR) can be combined with computational modelling techniques to address the three-dimensional structure of challenging biomolecular complexes.
Application deadline 15 August

5-7 November  ESRF workshop on sample preparation for cryo-EM  Grenoble, France
This workshop is aimed at PhDs, PostDocs and scientists new to the field of single particle cryo-EM
Application deadline 29 September

6-8 November  eBIC, Diamond Light Source microED workshop  Oxfordshire, UK
The goal of this workshop is to introduce MicroED to structural biologists.
Application deadline 30 September

19-20 November  3rd Instruct Workshop for Best Practices in CryoEM  Strasbourg, France
Intended to promote sharing of experiences by EM user facilities and is open to EM facility scientists, manager and computing specialists both from Academia and Industry (max 50 participants).
Registration deadline 15 October

9-12 December  MicroED workshop  Los Angeles, USA
Gonen Laboratory's 5th MicroED workshop covering all aspects of the method.
Application deadline 1 October

8-12 January  5th Annual Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology Bootcamp   Piscataway, NJ USA
Lectures and hands-on training in Cryo-Electron Tomography

4-8 February  Keystone Symposium on Cryo-EM  Tahoe City, CA, USA
Cryo-EM from Cells to Molecules: Multi-Scale Visualization of Biological Systems

17-21 February  Biophysical Society Annual Meeting  San Francisco, CA USA
CryoEM Subgroup Session
Late abstracts deadline January 15

18-29 March  EMBO Practical course Cryo Electron Microscopy and 3 Dimensional Image Processing (CEM3DIP 2018)  New Delhi, India
Specimen preparation, Image processing and 3D reconstruction in Single Particle CryoEM and Cellular Tomography
Registration deadline: 15 Nov 2017

21-24 March  3rd International Conference on Three-dimensional Cryo-EM Image Analysis  Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
Goal is to discuss state of the art image analysis approaches and algorithm developments to tackle challenging biological problems and to identify current limitations in the field

9-13 April  Prato cryoEM course  Tuscany, Italy
Course aims at PhD students and researchers with little experience in cryoEM or that are planning to use cryoEM to bring their projects to the next level.

11-12 April  CCP-EM Spring Symposium  Keele University, UK
Forum highlighting state of the art developments in computational cryoEM and showcasing outstanding recent applications.

1-4 May  2018 Icknield Workshop  Diamond Campus, Harwell, UK
For structural biologists with high resolution EM maps ready for model building and refinement.
Application deadline 28 March

3-8 June  3DEM Gordon Research Conference  Newport, RI, USA
Meeting will emphasize the use of cryo-EM for problems beyond determining structures of abundant and stable macromolecular assemblies

11-13 June  4th International SPHIRE Workshop  Dortmund, Germany
Single particle cryo-EM image processing using SPHIRE with special focus on optimisation of cryoEM datasets for high resolution refinement and reproducible analysis.
Application deadline 10 May

24-28 June  Summer Cryo-EM Data Processing Workshop  University of Michigan, USA
Introduces participants to common image processing packages used to analyze cryo-EM data.
Application deadline 27 April

20-24 July  American Crystallographic Association 68th Annual Meeting  Toronto, Canada
Full Day Workshop: Guide to High-resolution CryoEM Structure Determination plus two Advances in Biological CryoEM Sessions
Abstract deadline 31 March

5-9 August  Microscopy & Microanalysis meeting (M&M 2018)  Baltimore, MD USA
Multiple Sessions, tutorials, and symposia related to 3DEM
Abstract submission deadline February 15

16 August  UK-Korean Structural Biology Symposium   Diamond Light Source, UK
Highlights structural biology research exploiting state of the art facilities for Macromolecular Crystallography (MX), CryoEM and XFELs

24-29 August  Kuo Symposium/Workshop on 3DEM of Cells and Molecules  Hangzhou, China
CryoEM sample preparation and data acquisition, image analysis and reconstruction, CryoET and in situ structural biology, and correlative and hybrid methods for cellular structural analysis
Early registration deadline June 25

16-19 September  8th Conference on Electron Tomography  Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Will cover all aspects of cryo-electron tomography and related software developments
Application deadline: May 1

26-29 September  Murnau Conference on Structural Biology Murnau, Germany
Biannual meeting on Structural Biology by the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Poster Abstract deadline: Aug 31

27 September - 9 October  8th Brazil School for Single Particle Cryo-EM  Maripora, SP Brazil
Intensive 12-day hands-on course/workshop, in which theory and practice are tightly intertwined
Application deadline: June 1

8-9 October  1st Annual CryoNET Symposium Copenhagen, DK
2 day meeting for discussion of the latest advances in Cryo-electron microscopy
Registration required

6-8 November  Purdue Cryo-EM Symposium Purdue University, IN, USA
Discussion of sample preparation, data collection, image processing, and applications of cryo-EM
Application deadline: Aug 31

11-14 December  Winter Cryo-EM Workshop at ASU Arizona State University, AZ, USA
Complete workflow and advanced techniques for biological cryo-EM through lectures, demos, hands-on experiments
Registration required

3-13 January  Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology Boot Camp: Single Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy  Piscataway, NJ, USA
Two week course includes lectures, hands-on workshops on use of single particle cryoEM to determine structures of macromolecular complexes.
Registration deadline Dec. 15

6-7 January  Workshop on CryoEM  Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Introductory workshop on concepts and applications of cryoEM with lectures, demos, hands on practice, follows Winter School on High Resolution Microscopy for Materials Science (3-6 Jan).

16 January - 24 March  NECEN/CNB-CSIC/Thermo Fischer CryoEM School  NECEN Leiden, NL
Intensive 9 week course to train participants to the level of independent practitioners in single particle analysis cryoEM workflows

1-3 February  Workshop on CryoEM an Single Particle Analysis at Monash University  Melbourne, Australia
Hands-on practicals in addition to problem-solving-oriented talks from leading software developers in the field.
Apply before Dec 1, 2016

11-15 February  61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society  New Orleans, LA, USA
events include the CryoEM Subgroup Session on Feb 11, and a Workshop on Single-Particle CryoEM: a How-to-Guide on Feb 14
Abstract Submission deadline Oct 3, 2016, Early registration deadline Jan 9

26-30 May  American Crystallographic Association  New Orleans, LA, USA
Special Session: Going Beyond PX with Cryo Electron Microscopy, Tomography, and Diffraction
Abstract deadline Feb 15, Registration deadline March 31

11-16 June  3DEM GRC  Les Dablerets, Switzerland
Opening new frontiers with Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Application deadline May 14

6-8 October  CryoEM Structure Challenges Workshop  SLAC/Stanford, Menlo Park, CA
Wrap Up of the Map and Model Challenges

29 October - 3 November  Workshop on Advanced Topics in EM Structure Determination: Challenges and Opportunities 
NYSBC, New York, NY, USA
Challenges and opportunities in 3DEM field including specimen preparation, imaging, instrumentation, processing, reconstruction, and validation

6-8 November  SPHIRE workshop  Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Hands-on and comprehensive training in all aspects of single particle cryo-EM image processing using SPHIRE

28-29 November  CCP-EM Dynamo Workshop  Harwell, Oxfordshire, UK
Two day workshop on the subtomogram averaging software Dynamo

11-12 January  Workshop on the Resolution Revolution in Cryo-electron Microscopy  Rehovot, Israel
Workshop highlighting the state-of-the-art in the field, as well as theory and practicalities of the techniques
scholarship deadline 1 November; abstract deadline 1 December; registration deadline 1 January

22-25 February  Micro Electron Diffraction Workshop  Ashburn, VA, USA
Hands-on workshop on structure determination from sub-micron sized crystals

27 February  CryoEM Subgroup Symposium at the Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting  Los Angeles, CA, USA
early registration deadline 13 January

30 March - 2 April  Cryo-EM 3D Image Analysis Symposium 2016  Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
Focus on cutting edge techniques for image analysis in cryoEM

17-22 April  Cryo Techniques in Electron Microscopy Course  Harpenden, UK
Intensive five day residential course will cover sample preparation and cryo-microscopy techniques for both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and will comprise tutorials, demonstrations and hands on practical sessions.
Early registration recommended.

7-10 June  ICON 2016 - International Conference on Nanoscopy  Basel, Switzerland
Focus on super-resolution imaging methods that provide spatial resolution well below the diffraction limit.

19-24 June  GRC: Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy  Hong Kong
Advancing and Reshaping Structural Biology with Electron Cryo-Microscopy

25-29 June  9th K. H. Kuo Summer School of Electron Microscopy & Crystallography and Symposium  Beijing, China
Two day summer school (workshop) June 25-26 three-day symposium on Cryo-EM June 27-29
application deadline 24 April

2-13 July  Cryo Electron Microscopy and 3D Image Processing of Macromolecular Assemblies and Cellular Tomography  Kerala, India
Practical course on single particle cryo electron microscopy of biological macromolecular assemblies and cryo electron tomography of cellular structures.
Registration deadline 29 April

10-15 July  EMBO practical course on Correlative Light Electron Microscopy  Bristol, UK
EMBO Practical Course aims to train young scientists in the available techniques in the Correlative Light Electron Microscopy field of life science.
Registration, abstract deadline 29 April

22-26 July  American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting  Denver, CO, USA
Sessions on Cryo Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction, Molecular machines

24-28 July  Microscopy & Microanalysis Annual Meeting (MM2016)  Columbus, Ohio, USA
Session on '3D Structures of Macromolecular Assemblies, Cellular Organelles and Whole Cells', premeeting courses: 'Electron Cryotomography Image Processing Using RELION' and 'Cryo-preparation for Biological EM'

11-23 August  Seventh Brazil School for Single Particle Cryo-EM  Brazil
Intensive hands-on course/workshop, theory and practice of single-particle 3D reconstruction

15-19 August  Hands-on Workshop on Cryo-EM based Atomic Modeling   Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany
Tutorials will cover practical methods for cryo-EM guided modeling implemented in DireX, NAMD and VMD, and Rosetta

17-19 August  Dynamo Workshop on Subtomogram Averaging   Basel, Switzerland
Hands-on training on all practical aspects of sub-tomogram averaging, no previous experience required.
Registration deadline 30 May

22-27 August  Fifth 2DX Workshop on Electron Crystallography of Membrane Proteins  Basel, Switzerland
Hands-on training on practical aspects of 2D crystal data collection on a Titan Krios, with in depth the theoretical foundations and the practical image processing of 2D crystal cryo-EM images with the 2DX software package. No previous experience is required.
Registration deadline 30 June

28 August - 5 September  EMBO Practical Course in CryoEM and 3D Image Processing  Heidelberg, Germany
Theoretical and practical training covering cryo-EM techniques from sample preparation to data collection to image processing.

6 September  Advanced Data Collection for High Resolution cryoEM  Diamond National EM Facility (eBIC), UK
Focused training in sample preparation and data collection to make the most of your national facility visit
Registration deadline 5 August

3-4 October  International Meeting on Current Challenges in Integrated Structural Biology Strasbourg, France
Discussion of ongoing and future developments in the field of integrated structural biology.
Registration deadline Aug 31

5-8 October  Methods and techniques in integrated structural biology: beyond black boxes Strasbourg, France
Workshop covering state-of-the-art methodology for data processing with emphasis on integration of different methods to solve structures of macromolecular complexes and 'difficult' targets.
Application deadline July 17

3-4 November  SPIDER/Scipion workshop Munich, Germany
Two day workshop on image processing with research talks and hands-on practical sessions.

13-19 November  MicroED Workshop Ashburn, VA, USA
Hands-on workshop on structure determination using Micro Electron Diffraction from sub-micron sized crystals.
Application deadline is August 1, 2016 (11:59 PM EDT)

20-23 November  Molecular Machines: Integrative structural and molecular biology EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
EMBO Conference many 3DEM talks as well as the chance to hear about complementary and hybrid approaches.
Abstract Deadline September 21, Registration deadline October 9

28-29 May  CCP-EM Spring Symposium  National UK Electron Bio-Imaging Facility, Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire

21-26 June  3DEM Gordon Research Conference  Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA
Breaking Barriers to Go Beyond Structure: Describing Functional State and Biological Context
Application deadline May 24

2-6 August  Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015 Meeting  Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR, USA
Paper submission deadline February 19

1-11 September  Practical Course on Image Processing for Cryo-EM  Birkbeck College, London, UK
Application deadline May 11

30 October - 3 November  NCMI Workshop on Single Particle Reconstruction, Structural Variability and Modeling  Houston, TX, USA
EMAN2 tutorial, approaches to compositional and conformational heterogeneity, modeling across resolution ranges

8-10 January  Workshop on Cryo-EM Modelling based on X-ray Crystallography  University of Illinois, Beckman Institute, Urbana, IL, USA
Recent developments in the area of cryo-EM guided modeling of macromolecular structures will be presented. Participants will be provided with simple, practical experience using modelling methods with focus on NAMD, VMD, MDFF, Direx
Application deadline December 13

9-11 March  From 3D Light to 3D Electron Microscopy: Correlative Microscopy for the Life Sciences  Ghent, Belgium
This scientific meeting and workshop will focus on the use of 3D SEM in life sciences and the recent developments in Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy. Organized by the Flanders Institute of Biotechnology (VIB) in collaboration with Zeiss.
Registration limited to 100 participants.

12-15 March  First International Conference on Image Analysis in 3D Cryo-EM  Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe, CA
The goal of the Symposium is to discuss state of the art image analysis approaches to tackle challenging biological problems and to identify current limitations and remaining problems in the field as currently practiced.
Early registration deadline January 2014

2-7 June  EMBO Practical Course on the Structural Characterization of Macromolecular Complexes  Grenoble, France
Topics include: expression & purification of multi-subunit complexes, biophysical & biochemical characterization of complexes, combining different structural methods (MX, NMR, SAS, EM, MS).
Application deadline April 4

22-27 June  3DEM Gordon Research Conference  Melia Golf Vichy Catalan Business & Convention Center, Girona, Spain
Technical Advances for a Rising Star in Structural Biology
Application deadline May 25

26-30 July  7th K.H. Kuo Summer School of Electron Microscopy and Crystallography  Shanghai, China
The 2014 summer school is comprised of a cryo-EM workshop (July 26 – 27, 2014) and a symposium "The 2014 Kuo Symposium on 3D Cryo-EM Molecular Imaging” (July 28 – 30, 2014), focusing on both technical and biological breakthroughs in cryo-EM.
Early registration deadline June 14

14-26 August  6th Brazil School for Single Particle Cryo-EM  Brazil
Intensive hands-on course/workshop for Single Particle Cryo-EM in which theory and practice are tightly intertwined
Registration now open

27-30 October  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  Paris, France
Will include special session on novel image processing methods for electron microscopy entitled: Electron-microscopy image processing problems and applications in biology: From structure to dynamics, organized by Slavica Jonic and Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano
Session paper contribution deadline January 31

9-14 November  NRAMM Workshop on Advanced Topics in EM Structure Determination  La Jolla, CA
A major goal of the workshop will be to discuss the major new advances in EM methodology and how to best take advantage of these going forward. Topics to be discussed will include improvements in specimen preparation, imaging, detectors, processing and reconstruction, and methods for validation.
Application deadline July 1

17-20 November  7th International Electron Tomography Conference  Riviera Maya, Mexico
The conference will bring together researchers working on hardware development, software development, and applications of electron tomography, particularly in biology. It will showcase breakthroughs in both electron tomography technology and cell biology applications.
Talk consideration deadline Sept 1, Poster deadline Nov 1

16-18 January  Electron Tomography Short Course 2013  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA
3-day short course with lectures and hands-on instruction to cover theoretical, experimental and practical aspects of electron tomography

3-7 March StructuralAnalysis of Supramolecular Assemblies by Hybrid Methods  Tahoe City, California, USA
Keynote address, plenary sessions, workshops/panels and poster sessions highlighting strengths and limitations of current
hybrid approaches for analyzing cellular and molecular structures.

23-28 June 3DEM Gordon Research Conference  Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH USA
Advancing the Cutting Edge
Application deadline May 26

3-13 September EMBO Practical Course on Image Processing for Cryo-Electron Microscopy  Birkbeck College, London, UK
Application deadline May 20

24-25 May  Future Challenges in Integrative Structural Biology  Strasbourg, France
IGBMC symposium for ongoing and future developments in the field of integrative structural biology

27 May - 1 June 3DEM Gordon Research Conference Les Diablerets, Switzerland
From Molecules to Systems: Visualizing Biological Complexity 
Application deadline April 29

4-7 June EMBO Practical Course: Structural Characterization of Macromolecular Complexes Grenoble, France
Expression & purification, biophysical & biochemical characterization, combining different structural methods (MX, NMR, SAXS, EM, MS)
Application deadline April 4

15 June Minisymposium on Computational Methods for Three-Dimensional Microscopy Reconstruction New York, USA
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, The Science Center
RSVP requested for those planning to attend

18-23 June EMBO practical course on Electron Tomography in Life Science Leiden, The Netherlands
Six-day course covering major aspects of Electron Tomography methods. Leiden University Medical Center
Registration deadline March 31

29 July - 2 August Microscopy & Microanalysis 2012 Phoenix, AZ USA
Sessions on TEM Phase Contrast Imaging in Biological and Materials Science, 3D Structure Determination in Physical and Biological Sciences, Structure of Membrane-shaping Proteins, 3D Structure and Ultrastructure of Cells, Organelles and Macromolecules

9-21 August 5th Brazil School for Single Particle Cryo-EM
Intensive hands-on course/workshop for Single Particle Cryo-EM in which theory and practice are tightly intertwined

26 August - 2 September EMBO practical course on cryo-EM and 3D image processing Heidelberg, Germany
In depth theoretical and practical training with the focus on image processing for 3D reconstruction. EMBL Heidelberg
Registration deadline May 17

3-7 September NCCR Workshop on Subtomogram Averaging Basel, Switzerland
Hands-on training in all computational aspects of subtomogram averaging: alignment, classification, data management and visualization. University of Basel
Registration begins last week of April

11-16 November NRAMM Workshop on Advanced Topics in EM Structure Determination La Jolla, CA USA
Challenges of using cryoEM to solve macromolecule structures, improvements in specimen preparation, imaging, processing and reconstruction, and methods for validation
Application deadline July 1

14-15 November  Computational Challenges in Structural Biology  Strasbourg, France
Workshop highlighting current computational challenges in cryo-electron microscopy and brain-storming for possible solutions.
registration required

Prior Support from
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of General Medical Sciences

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